Our Services

Functional Nutrition

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Individual, Family and Marriage Counseling

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  • Copper Ionic Foot Detox

    Our Copper Ionic Foot Bath is a great way to detox your body and enhance the body's own natural detoxification abilities. This allows the body to remove heavy metals and other toxic elements more effectively and efficiently.

  • Halotherapy Salt Chamber

    Halotherapy, also known as dry salt therapy, utilizes the properties of salt to sooth a variety of respiratory symptoms. This holistic approach mimics the microclimate of a salt cave.

    Salt therapy helps eliminate the root of inflammatory respiratory illnesses in the lower and the upper tract like asthma, bronchitis as well as allergies, by destroying bacteria and restoring health and immunity.

  • Clearlight Infrared Sauna

    Our Clearlight Infrared sauna is excellent for overall health and produces the same infrared heat produced by the sun. Infrared heat is required for all living things for optimum health. This radiant heat increases the thermal energy in joints, muscles and tissues. When used as intended as part of a healthy lifestyle, Clearlight infrared saunas help with detox, heart health, muscle recovery, relaxation, immunity, improving skin, and much more.

  • Sensory Floatation Therapy

    Optimal relaxation is waiting for you in our sensory deprivation float tank, also known as a flotation tank or isolation tank that provides restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST). A person experiences minimal sensory stimulation when inside the tank, allowing them to relax. The tank contains enough water for the person entering it to float on their back.